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Create a Study Plan - continued

To help you organize your time so that you can work through the course at an even pace, you may want to develop your own study schedule. Use a daytimer or calendar to help block out time to work on your course!

Work out how much time you will need to complete the module.

For example: A module of Family Studies in 10 weeks would be

60 hours ÷ 10 weeks = 6 hours / week

6 hours ÷ 5 week days = approximately 1 hr and 15 minutes / day

Or, if you wanted to finish the module in 8 weeks:

60 hours ÷ 8 weeks = 7.5 hours / week

7.5 hours ÷ 5 week days = approximately 1.5 hrs / day

Click here to see a sample timetable.

You may prefer to work in longer blocks at certain points, for example, to work through an entire assignment in one day. The assignment may take five hours. In this case, your schedule might look like this sample.

If the option is open to you to attend a block at your neighbourhood school, you could also work that into your schedule.
The important thing is to have a realistic plan to complete your course work.

Remember to give yourself a reward for a job well done. If you’ve set up a study plan and followed it, why not go to the movies or do something fun? You’ve earned it!

All content copyright 2009 Open School BC