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Reading Instructions

As part of Family Studies, you will be asked to complete a variety of section assignments that will require you to pay close attention to instructions. Whether the assignment is to write a paragraph, an essay, or to prepare a collage, the more closely you follow instructions, the better able you will be able to demonstrate what you know.

  • Here are some tips to help you follow instructions more carefully:
  • Read instructions slowly and carefully.
  • Pay close attention to key words and action items to be sure you understand the task.
  • Read with a highlighter so that you have a visual indicator of important instruction elements.

Consider the following instruction:

Write a five-paragraph composition describing whether you agree or disagree with Joan O’Conner’s conclusions in her article, “The Happy Parent.”

Your composition should be typed and written legibly, as well as double-spaced. Be sure to use proper citation conventions when quoting from the article. You essay will be assessed on the Essay Writing assessment rubric.

Key words to highlight in these instructions are:

  • five-paragraph composition—that is the type and length of the assignment
  • describing whether you agree or disagree—this is the action/stance you will take
  • article’s conclusions—this is the focus of your stance

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