Module 3: Quality of Life as a Context for Developing Meaningful Education Programs

Philosophy of Practice

Our philosophy of practice is based on the belief that education for students with severe and multiple disabilities must be designed to enhance current and future quality of life.

The Inclusion Outreach philosophy of practice drives the work we do, and it is visible in every aspect of our practice. The key phrase in this philosophy is to enhance current and future quality of life. It is a foundational component of our program’s website, our individual students’ websites, and how we begin every meeting we have with school-based teams.

Participating in a classroom as an active learner enhances a student’s quality of life. Finding ways for students with complex needs to participate can be challenging as they often need to develop skills that most people take for granted, and the time required for skill acquisition is often longer. These challenges mean it’s important to choose what to work on wisely. Our philosophy of practice guides our work through five Quality of Life Indicators. These indicators act as the foundation for wise choice making and allow you to enhance the current quality of life for your students while building a vision for a meaningful future for each student.

Philosophies of Practice and mission statements are declarations that represent our values and beliefs.

  • Can you identify Inclusion Outreach's values and beliefs from reading the Philosophy of Practice?
  • What are some things you value and believe?