Module 5: Roles and Responsibilities—Inclusion and the Educational Team


Key Terms

The action of working with someone to produce or create something.
Working between several disciplines.
Different disciplines working together with a student each providing input from their disciplinary expertise.
Teams working across and beyond several disciplines.

References and Resources

Brown, L. (2014). Educational standards for students with significant intellectual disabilities.

Campbell, J. (2020). Choose your words wisely – disability language can empower or exclude. Retrieved from:

Garfat, T., & Ricks, F. (1995). Self-driven ethical decision-making: A model for child and youth care. Child and Youth Care Forum, 24(6), 393-404.

Jorgensen, C. (2005). The least dangerous assumption: A challenge to create a new paradigm. Disability Solutions, 6(3), 1, 5-9.

Kunc, N., & Van Der Klift, E. (2019). Being realistic isn’t realistic. Victoria: Tellwell Talent.

Silberman, S. (2015). Neurotribes: The legacy of autism and the future of neurodiversity. New York: Penguin. (Quote from Jim Sinclair)

Smith, L. (2015). #Ableism. Retrieved from Center for Disability Rights: