Module 5: Regulation and Sensory Processing

Co-regulation and Sensory Processing

Sensory processing involves three steps:

  1. Recognize sensory information
  2. Interpret the information to give it meaning
  3. Respond to the information

Students with complex needs can require assistance with any of the steps of sensory processing: recognizing, interpreting, and responding to sensory information. Co-regulation modelling helps a student by showing them what is being seen, felt or heard, how to interpret, and how to respond.

Case Example: Isla

In another module, you were introduced to Isla, an elementary student who is blind and has an intellectual disability. Isla screamed an intense, piercing scream that resulted in her removal from the classroom. The screaming occurred when there were transitions in the classroom and there were many throughout the day. For example, the teacher would say, “OK, class. Everybody line up to go to the library.” Isla screamed. “Carpet time for music.” Isla screamed. During these transition times, the classroom was noisy and chaotic.

It was clear from observing Isla that she was flooded by the noise and completely overwhelmed. As a team, we brainstormed to find a proactive strategy to co-regulate with Isla. We had a copy of the class schedule that we used to anticipate when a transition was coming up.

The SLP on our team sat next to Isla and calmly and quietly narrated to her the change that was to come. “Isla, it is going to be time to go to the library soon. All the kids are going to put away their work, and they will be called to line up. Let’s put away your work and get ready for library.” Isla listened intently while she was told what was coming next. When her name was called to line up, she stood up. She was ready for library.

This pattern repeated itself throughout the day. Isla’s EA used the technique with the same result. Isla needed a calm, soothing voice, and information about what was taking place to navigate transitions. Once that was provided, she was able to remain with her class.