Module 8: Complexity


“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” applicably describes the intent of Module 8—Complexity. The other modules of Course 2 highlighted individual disabilities. This module explains the complexity that comes with having more than one disability and the interaction between various disabilities and interpersonal factors. This is the big picture view that sees and understands the student with complex needs as a whole greater than the sum of their parts.

In Part 1 of this module, How Individual Learning Differences Interact, you will review five student cases. You will learn how the interplay between the students’ multiple diagnoses affects their learning and inclusion, and how accommodations create opportunities for participation and contribution in class and at school.

In Part 2, Interpersonal Factors, you will explore how interpersonal factors add a further layer of complexity when building meaningful inclusion.

In this module, you will be asked to reflect by answering questions and considering your own thoughts and experiences.

What You Will Learn:

  • Understand how individual disabilities can interact in complex ways
  • How to look at the big picture when planning for a student’s learning
  • How a student’s inclusion is impacted not only by their disability (or disabilities) but interpersonal factors as well