Module 8: Complexity


The intent of Module 8 was to encourage you to take a big picture view when supporting students with multiple disabilities and complex needs.

This view enables educators and specialists to see the student holistically as the interplay of:

  • Individual disabilities and diagnoses
  • Complex interactions between multiple disabilities
  • Interpersonal factors such as family traditions, culture, and access to resources

The goal is to build a culture of inclusion that focuses on what is possible and positive for the student and creates meaningful opportunities for learning and inclusion.

References and Resources

Baxter, C., & Mahoney, W. (Eds.). (2018). Developmental disability across cultures. Retrieved from Caring for Kids New to Canada:

Browne, A. (n.d.). Issues affecting access to health services in northern, rural and remote regions of Canada. Retrieved from

Burgess, E.W. (1931). Family tradition and personality. Retrieved from

Lowry, L. (2016). Bilingualism in young children: separating fact from fiction. Retrieved from

Neufeld, G. (2012, November 13). Keys to well-being in children and youth [Conference presentation]. 2012 European Union Parliament, Brussels. Retrieved from

Whittingham, K., Sheffield, J., & Boyd, R. N. (2016). Parenting acceptance and commitment therapy: a randomised controlled trial of an innovative online course for families of children with cerebral palsy. BMJ Open, 6(10). Retrieved from: