Module 1: Instructional Planning and Strategies


In this module, you will learn teaching strategies to help students with complex needs learn.

Focusing on what the student with complex needs can do is the foundation for everything we do. In this module, you will learn about universal and essential supports and strategies for teaching students with complex needs.

Teaching strategies include universal supports. These are strategies that teachers use for all learners and include:

  • Visual classroom schedules
  • Scheduled movement breaks
  • Sensory fidget tools
  • Calm spaces within the classroom
  • Using the classroom iPad for a group project

Students with complex needs require more assistance. Essential supports are student specific, such as:

  • Individual visual schedules
  • Additional movement breaks
  • Personalized sensory tools
  • Assistive technology

Universal supports are inclusive of all learners, so they are considered first. Then, essential supports are added as needed.

What You Will Learn:

  • Why having an active role and learning in context are essential
  • How the classroom environment can be optimized for sensory input
  • How to consider the student’s medical background and body level readiness in determining levels of support
  • The variety of essential supports and teaching strategies that can be used