Module 4: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to a wide variety of systems that can be used to support a student’s communication beyond their words, gestures, and personal communication behaviours. AAC systems include unaided, no tech, low-tech, and high-tech systems.
Each student you work with will have their own unique skills and needs to consider when selecting AAC systems to support them. Your school based SLP or AAC specialist will work with the team to determine which system is best suited to your student.
Regardless of the AAC system that a student uses, there are many strategies that can be used to support the development of their communication skills. When all team members use these strategies consistently, there is a greater chance that the student will see their AAC as meaningful and want to use it consistently. The more consistently they can use the system, the more their communication skills will develop. This leads to deeper connections with others and ultimately to a more inclusive school and community experience for that student.
References and Resources
Beukelman, D.R., & Mirenda, P. (2005). Augmentative and alternative communication, Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.
Beukelman, D.R., & Mirenda, P. (2013). Augmentative and alternative communication: supporting children and adults with complex communication needs. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.
Calculator, S.N. (2009). Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and inclusive education for students with the most severe disabilities, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13(1), 93-113, DOI: 10.1080/13603110701284656
Moorcroft, A., Scarinci, N., & Meyer, C. (2019). “I've had a love-hate, I mean mostly hate relationship with these PODD books”: parent perceptions of how they and their child contributed to AAC rejection and abandonment. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 16(1), 72–82.
Visvader, P. (2013). AAC basics and implementation: how to teach students who talk with technology. Retrieved from