Module 3: Inclusive and Competency-based Individual Education Plans

Using the TEAM Approach to Create I & CB IEP Goals, Objectives and Strategies

The following example illustrates the process of using the TEAM approach to develop meaningful IEP objectives.

Case Example: Alice

Let’s meet Alice, a Grade 9 student with complex needs:

  • Loves being with other kids her age
  • Has a good friend Keesha
  • High school student replacement goals
  • Receives essential supports
  • Loves Marvel's "The Avengers"
  • Uses a wheelchair to get around
  • Uses pointing and gestures to communicate

Alice’s Curricular Goal, including the Big Idea, the Curricular IEP Goal, the objective, and Instructional Strategies are captured in the following chart.

Curricular Goals

Learning/Subject Area Social Studies Type of Goal Replacement Teacher/Support Staff Name
Inclusive Big Idea Disparities in power alter the balance of relationships between individuals and between societies
Curricular IEP, Goal 1 Alice can demonstrate that she knows that people who have the most power often make the decisions
Objective 1A By pointing to which Avenger has the most power and is the boss among the Avengers
Instructional Strategies Watch the movie, “Captain America: Civil War.” Alice will list the Avengers and describe their power. She will identify who the boss is.