Education and Inclusion

As this information is intended to support educators and specialists to include students with complex needs, it felt fitting to highlight the efforts in history to make education a right, accessible to all students. Inclusion Outreach’s long history of inclusionary practice is built on the vision of others who came before us.

Historically there have been many successes and failures that have shaped how we provide educational opportunities for all students today. History themes don’t fit into neat boxes but are overlapping—influencing and challenging each other constantly. Awareness is key—knowing, understanding, and acknowledging. Being aware of the interplay of themes helps guide inclusion in the present and for the future.

think about

As you explore the Education and Inclusion timeline, reflect/journal on the following:

  • What do think were the major drivers of inclusion in education?
  • Can you identify any interplay of themes in how you do your work?
  • What are some ways to acknowledge and reconcile the exclusion you see in schools?
  • 20th Century

  • 21st Century