FOODSAFE Refresher

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About this course:

FOODSAFE LEVEL 1 Recertification

Effective January 16, 2019 only individuals with a current FOODSAFE Level 1 certificate will be eligible to register for the online FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher course.

If your FOODSAFE certificate expired on July 29, 2018 or later, you have until January 15, 2019 to register for the online Refresher course. After that date, all individuals with expired certificates will be required to take the regular FOODSAFE Level 1 course available online, in person or by correspondence/distance or an approved course that has been deemed equivalent.

For further information, please visit or call 250-370-4781.

This is a two-hour review of information learned in FOODSAFE Level 1, and covers the following:

  • Causes of food borne illness
  • Microbes and food borne illness
  • Food safety plans and HACCP
  • Food handler health and hygiene
  • Receiving and storing food safely
  • Preparing food safely
  • Serving food safely
  • Cleaning, sanitizing and pest control
  • Premises requirements

Individuals wishing to renew their FOODSAFE Level 1 certificate can take this course instead of repeating the full FOODSAFE Level 1 course.

Learners have 14 days to complete this two-hour course.

Cost: $55

Now please continue through the FOODSAFE registration process below.

This information is collected by Open School BC under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (BC) and will be used to provide you with a user account. Should you have questions regarding the collection of this personal information, please email us at .

The BC Ministry of Health is collecting your personal information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of tracking FOODSAFE and MarketSafe course participation. If you have any questions with regards to the collection of your personal information please contact .
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Please take note of the steps required to complete the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher course:

  1. Purchase one or more seats.
  2. Pre-registration email will be sent to you. Complete the pre-registration form.
    Please Note: This email could take an hour or more before you receive it. If you do not receive this email, it is most likely in your email application's junk folder.
    • Click to preview the Self-Registration Page

      Image of Self-Registration Page

  3. After registering, you will receive an email with a username and information for accessing the course.

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Our Refund Policy

  • No returns are permitted for the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher course and no refunds will be given.

Our Extension Policy

  • If you feel you are going to need an extension in order to complete the course you must contact customer service at Open School BC before the course end date* and explain your reasons for needing an extension.
  • Extensions are rarely awarded, and given only for extenuating circumstances, such as death in the family or hospitalization.

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Please answer the following in order to continue:

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Purchase Seats

Please enter your information below and the number of seats you would like to purchase.

Price per seat is $55.

Note: Be sure to enter your correct address. Entering any false information will void your FOODSAFE certification. If you enter false information, you will not receive a record of completion. You will not be FOODSAFE certified, even if you complete the course activities and exam.

  1. Please note: The location you specify here will be sent to your
    local Health Authority upon completion of the course and
    cannot be changed after your purchase your seat.

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FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course Frequently Asked Questions

Note: You must have a non-expired BC FOODSAFE Level 1 Certificate prior to being able to register for the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher course. This will ensure that your name appears in the BC FOODSAFE Registry, which is required for Refresher Course registration.

If you purchase this course on behalf of your staff, you must ensure that they have a non-expired FOODSAFE Level 1 certificate. This should be confirmed with each employee, as once you purchase the seats, the system will ask you for information of their name, gender and birth date and will not accept the employee if they are not in the BC FOODSAFE Registry. We recommend that employers/employees go to the web site ( for the contact information for the Health Authorities if they need to confirm this information before purchasing the seats.

Ordering info:

Course info:

Final Exam info:

Certificate info:

Ordering info:

  • How much does a seat cost?
    Seats cost $55 each.

  • How do I purchase (register for) a course seat?
    On the registration page, select the number of seats you require (one seat per user).

  • Does my course (seat) expire?
    Yes, you have one year to use this course (seat) before it expires. You have 14 days to complete the course once you register into it.

  • How can I pay for my seat(s)?
    Visa, Master Card or American Express is the preferred method of payment. This will ensure your seat is saved.

    We are sorry but we are unable to process Debit cards at this time.

  • What if I have a hotmail, gmail or yahoo account?
    These large web-based email providers have spam filters enabled, which may redirect emails from Open School BC (with important access information) into the junk folder. Please ensure you check your junk mail folder if you have not received the expected emails in your inbox after you paid for the FOODSAFE course.

  • How do I enroll into the course?
    A self-registration link will be emailed to you within an hour of purchasing your course seat. Use this link to enroll yourself into the course or the person for whom the seat was purchased.

Course info:

  • Are you comfortable using online technologies?
    Online learning is not for everyone, this course is completed online and is self-paced so be sure you are comfortable using a computer, the internet, and email. You will need to have regular access to a computer with a reliable high-speed (1 Mbps or better) Internet connection. If you don't have regular access, make sure you have easy access to a computer in order to complete the course within 14 days of your enrollment using the self-registration link..

    Note that customer service is available to assist only during regular business hours (8:30am - 4:30pm), Monday - Friday except on Statutory holidays, Pacific Time Zone.

  • Do I need a computer to do FOODSAFE online?
    YES! We highly recommend that you have a personal computer and a high-speed (1 Mbps or better) Internet connection to take the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course. You cannot take the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course unless you have a non-expired FOODSAFE Level 1 Certificate.

  • How do I log into my course?
    After enrolling into the course using the self-registration link, you will be emailed a username, password, and URL for Moodle (where the course takes place).

  • How do I know if my computer will work for this course?
    Before you purchase the course, you should check Moodle's Browser support ( for the list of supported browsers and operating systems. Find your operating system and browser to confirm that your system will be compatible to take the course.

  • How long do I have to complete the course?
    You will have access to the course immediately after enrolling with the self-registration link. This course takes approximately 1 to 3 hours, and must be completed within 14 days (including weekends) of enrolling with the self-registration link (including your final examination). The course can also be completed much sooner, at the student's pace, if they dedicate a few hours to studying the material thoroughly and writing the quizzes in a timely manner.

  • Can I just write the final exam?
    No, this course requires you to complete every module in sequence beginning with Module 1 before moving on to the next module.

  • What happens if I try to just write the final exam?
    You will get an error message, you will not be able to open the final exam or complete the course and get credit for it.

  • I am being told that my name is not in the database of people who have completed FOODSAFE Level 1, but I am convinced that I've completed the course. What should I do now?
    Contact your local Health Authority.

Final Exam info:

  • How many questions are on the final exam?
    There are 28 questions on the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course final exam.

  • What mark must I achieve in the Final Exam to pass the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course?
    • You must achieve a minimum mark of 80% in order to pass the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course.
    • If your mark is below 60% the first time you write the exam, you must take your FOODSAFE Level 1 course over again.
    • If your mark is between 61-79% the first time you write the exam, you will have a second attempt to write the exam.
    • If your mark is below 80% on your second attempt, you must take your FOODSAFE Level 1 course over again.

  • How long will it take to complete the final exam?
    The exam will automatically end after 1 hour.

  • Are there additional resources to help prepare for the final exam?
    Yes, absolutely. You may purchase a print work book from Crown Publications: visit

Certificate info:

  • How do I get my FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course certificate and how long will it take to receive it?

    Once you have completed and passed the final exam your regional Health Authority will mail a FOODSAFE certificate to you. Certificates may take up to 2-3 weeks to be processed and mailed out by the Health Authorities. Individuals who successfully complete the online FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher course are strongly advised to print out (or save as a PDF) a copy of their temporary certificate of completion.

    Once completed, you also have the option to verify your certificate and grade using the Ministry of Health application available from this page.

  • Is there a way that I can "fast track" receiving my official certificate of completion? My employer wants to see it.

    If your employer requires confirmation of completion, your temporary certificate or a scan of your results from the Ministry of Health application should suffice until you receive the official certificate by mail. All certificates are processed by date of completion and there is no mechanism in place to fast track certificates.