Section 1: Settling the East
Lesson B: Farming in Canada
Seigneurial System
Section 2: Representative versus Responsible Government
Lesson A: Representative vs. Responsible Government
Representative Democracy (Wikipedia entry)
Representative Government
Heritage Minutes - Responsible Government
Canadian Encyclopedia - Responsible Government
Lesson B: Who Gets the Vote?
A History of the Vote in Canada
Elections Canada Trivia Game
Assign 2.1: From a Privilege to a Right
Voting in Canada: How a Privilege Became a Right
Expanding the Franchise
Women Gain the Vote
Lesson C: The Oligarchies of Upper and Lower Canada
Rebellion and Reform - The Colonial Regime and the "Family Compact"
Assign 2.2: Nineteenth Century Politics
Decoding Political Cartoons
Section 3: Rebellion!
Lesson B: Aftermath of the Rebellions: The Durham Report
1839 - Lord Durham's Report
Lord Durham's Report
Towards Confederation - Upper Canada
Section 4: Reaching for Confederation
Lesson A: Canada in the Victorian Era
Assignment 4.1: The Victorian Era
Upper Canada Village - Decade - Canada Hall - Ontario town life
The Victorian Web: An Overview
History in Focus: The Victorian Era (Introduction)
Victorian Era 1837 - 1901 Fashion History, Costume History and Social History
Status of Women
When Horse Was King
Lesson B: Reasons for Union
Railway History
Lesson C: The Confederate Debate
The Anti-Confederation Song: Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage
Assign 4.3: To Join or Not to Join
Decoding Political Cartoons
Section 5: The New Dominion
Lesson A: Talk, Talk, Talk
Photo of Conference Delegates
Towards Confederation - The Charlottetown Conference
International Convention at Quebec
Towards Confederation: The Quebec Conference
The Quebec Resolutions, October 1864 - Documents - Canadian Confederation
Fathers of Confederation at the London Conference
Lesson C: "The 20th Century Belongs to Canada"
The Citation Machine
Writer’s Style Guide