Section 1: From Territory to Province
Lesson B: Territorial Disputes
How one pig could have changed American history
Lesson C: Get Rich Quick
BC Archives Time Machine: The Cariboo Gold Rush
The Cariboo Gold Rush Journey: Agnus McVee
Cariboo Gold Rush
Cariboo Gold Rush Adventure Game
Section 2: The Changing Face of British Columbia
Lesson A: We Need Workers
Assign 2.1: Asian Immigration in BC
Asians in British Columbia
Chinese Immigration to Canada: A Tale of Perseverance
Canadian Encyclopedia: Komagata Maru
Legacy of Hate
Statistics Canada
Immigrants to Canada - Chinese
Lesson B: BC First Nations
First Nations In British Columbia - Introduction
Klatsassin and the Chilcotin War
Assign 2.2: Legacy and Aboriginal Rights
Fact Sheet - The Nisga’a Treaty - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Lesson C: Rural and Urban
BC Stats
Section 3: Re$ource Rich B.C.!
Lesson A: Historical Economy
Assign 3.1: Historical Economy of BC
BC Archives Time Machine
Lesson B: The Economy Now
Acid Mine Drainage: Mining and Water Pollution Issues
British Columbia Mines Directory 2000
Guidelines For Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage at Minesites in British Columbia
Assign 3.2: Sustainable Development Issues
BC Stats: BC's Key Economic Indicators
Environmental Indicator: Fish in British Columbia
See page 1, Primary Indicator: Conservation status of Steelhead Trout rated
as healthy, of conservation concern, and of extreme conservation concern
Population Status and Mortality of Mountain Caribou In the Southern
Purcell Mountains, British Columbia
Population Status of Caribou Herds In the Central Mountain Designatable Unit
with British Columbia, 2013
Grizzly Bear Population Status in B.C. (2012)
Status of the Sharp-tailed Grouse in British Columbia
Threats to Endangered Species in Canada
See page 5, Table 3: Summary of the threats facing endangered species in
Canada, expressed as the percentage of endangered species affected.