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Section 1
  Lesson 1: Egypt: The Gift of the Nile
  Lesson 2: Mummification
  Lesson 3: The Pyramids
  Lesson 4: The Valley of the Kings
  Lesson 5: Hieroglyphics
Section 2

Lesson 1: Egypt: The Gift of the Nile

Send In Activity 1
Option A: A Day in the Life of an Egyptian Farmer

Pretend you are a farmer in Ancient Egypt. Choose one of the three seasons—Akhet, Peret, or Shemu—and describe what you would have done in a typical day during that season. Consider the weather and how it would affect your activities. (10 marks)

Marking Guide:

Your day in the life account should:

  • include accurate and thorough details about your daily activities during that season
  • contain descriptions or drawings of farming or other activities (such as building) that would happen in that season.
  • have an historical feel, as if you were actually there.
  • be written in first person (I).
  • be at least one page in length (typed) or two pages (handwritten)

Helpful websites:

Check out some of these websites to learn more about farming in Ancient Egypt. This information will help you when you write your story.


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