Lesson 2: Mummification
Send In Activity 2
Option A: Make King Tut's Death Mask
Using the instructions below, make a copy of the famous death mask
of King Tutenkhamen. (15 marks)
- Flour and water
- Mixing bowl
- Newspaper strips (about 30cm x 3cm)
- Plastic drinking straw cut into 5-6 cm lengths
- Big mixing bowl with 500 mL of cold water
- Rubber spatula
- Shower cap to protect your hair
- Acrylic, tempera, or spray paint (gold, blue red and white)
- Pencil and paint brushes
- Thin-tipped non-toxic black markers
- Corrugated cardboard
- Masking or duct tape
- Saran Wrap or plastic
Step 1: Make the Mask
- Wear old clothes. Put on a shower cap you can throw away.Cover
your eyes with Saran Wrap or plastic. Do NOT cover your nose or
- Mix 2 cups of water with flour until you have a consistency like
white glue.
- Place the straws in each nostril and in your mouth.
- Lie down and get comfortable.
- Dip the strips in the paste and wipe them so a minimal amount
stays on the paper. (You do not want to have too much or the mask
will become too heavy and difficult to remove.)
- Apply the strips over the face and press down gently until a solid
mask has been formed.
- If the straws fall out, put them in again (carefully!). Try to
avoid putting too much papier maché around the nostrils.
- Remove carefully from the face as soon as the outer surface feels
hard. Sit up at this point. Gently pull the papier maché
mask from your face.
- Place the damp mask in a warm place to dry.
Step 2: Make the Headdress
- Find a picture of King Tutenkhamen at one of the websites in this
lesson, or in a book.
- Cut the cardboard into the shape of the headdress in the picture.
Tape it in place on your dried mask.
- Make separate pieces for the neck, beard and chest and tape in
place as you did with the headdress.
- Use more papier maché to smooth the edges between the mask
and the cardboard.
- Allow the mask to dry overnight.
Step 3: Touch up the Mask
You may need to mix up more papier maché and touch up any rough
spots. Let them dry completely before moving to Step 4.
4: Paint the Mask
- Paint the entire mask and allow the paint to dry.
- Mark out your painting lines with the black marker.
- Fill in the colours as appropriate.
Marking Guide:
The finished mask should:
- resemble the colours, shape, and design of King Tut's deathmask.
- be clearly shown in the submitted photograph. Do not send the