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  Lesson 10: The Legacy of Ancient Greece

Lesson 10: The Legacy of Ancient Greece

Send In Activity 10:
Option B: Make a List of Greek Words

Many English words have their origins in the Greek language. This includes democracy ("demos" = rule + "cracy" = people), telephone ("tele"= long distance + "phone"= speak), and microscope ("micro" = small + "scope" = look).

Using the Internet as a resource, make a list of ten other English words with Greek origins. (10 marks)

Research Tip:

You could search the Web aimlessly unless you know what you are looking for. Type some of these keywords in your search engine to narrow things down:

  • etymology+english+greek

  • english word origins

  • origins of the english language

Marking Guide
  • You have included ten words in your list.
  • Your words are correctly chosen; i.e., they come from the Greek language.
  • You have explained the original, Greek meaning of each word (as in the examples above).

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