Greece Homepage
Getting Started Guide
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Section 1
Section 2
  Lesson 6: The Persian Wars
  Lesson 7: The Peloponnesian War
  Lesson 8: The Olympic Games
  Lesson 9: Alexander the Great
  Lesson 10: The Legacy of Ancient Greece

Lesson 6: The Persian Wars

Send In Activity 6:
Option B: Build a Model of a Greek Trireme

Using cardboard, balsa wood, or other suitable materials, construct a model of a Greek trireme (warship). Take a photograph of your model after it is finished and submit it to your teacher for marking. (15 marks)

Marking Guide

  • Your model is well constructed (i.e., it is to scale, is solidly built, is coloured or painted, and is creatively decorated).
  • Model is historically accurate (i.e., it contains all of the features found on a typical Greek trireme).
  • You have worked hard to complete this project