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  Lesson 6: The Persian Wars
  Lesson 7: The Peloponnesian War
  Lesson 8: The Olympic Games
  Lesson 9: Alexander the Great
  Lesson 10: The Legacy of Ancient Greece

Lesson 7: The Peloponnesian War

Send In Activity 7:
Option A: Write an Anti-War Song

Many musicians have voiced their objections to war by writing protest songs. Now is your chance to do the same! Write an anti-war song that speaks out against the Peloponnesian War. (10 marks)

Marking Guide

In your song you have:

  • included lyrics that accurately describe some of the important events and individuals in the Peloponnesian War.
  • clearly protested against the Peloponnesian War (i.e., you have chosen words like "senslessness", "wasteful", etc.)
  • You have also identified which song you borrowed your ideas from (unless you wrote your own song). This includes the original artist's name and the song title

Calling All Musicians!

Would you like to perform and record your song, rather than just submitting the lyrics? Email your instructor and ask if this is ok.

Helpful Web sites:

Check out some of the websites below, where you will find modern-day protest songs and their lyrics. Feel free to use one of these songs as your starting point—just change the words and you have your "own" song! Or, if you prefer, you can write your own song from scratch.


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