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  Lesson 6: The Persian Wars
  Lesson 7: The Peloponnesian War
  Lesson 8: The Olympic Games
  Lesson 9: Alexander the Great
  Lesson 10: The Legacy of Ancient Greece

Lesson 8: The Olympic Games

Send In Activity 8:
Option B: Make a Cartoon Strip

Make a three panel cartoon strip on the Ancient Olympic Games. Your cartoon strip should focus on one of these topics:

  • Training for the Olympics
  • Cheating in the Olympics
  • How winners were treated

Note: Athletes in the Ancient Olympics competed naked. Please clothe the athletes in your drawings though!

(10 marks)

Marking Guide

Your cartoon strip:

  • contains three panels, each having a coloured illustration and a text bubble.
  • accurately describes some aspect of the Ancient Olympics.
  • is carefully drawn.

Helpful Web sites:

These websites will give you more ideas on how to complete this activity.

Greek cartoons:

Make a cartoon online: