Lesson 4: Hammurabi's Code
Send In Activity 4
1. Click here to see a complete list of Hammurabi's laws.
(a) What law applied if a slave was helped to escape? if an escaped slave was caught?
(b) For what crimes could someone have a hand cut off? For what crimes could someone be put to death?
2. Why did Hammurabi establish his code of laws? How are his laws different from laws we have today?
3. According to Canada's Young Offender's Act (YOA), kids under the age of eighteen who are found guilty of a crime receive lighter sentences than do adults in the regular criminal system. Some people argue that the YOA is too easy on kids who break the law. Others like the YOA the way it is as it allows kids to learn from their mistakes and move on with their lives. What is your opinion? Should teenagers be punished more severely, like adults? Support your answer with well thought-out reasons. (10 marks)
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