General and Videos


General Resources
Editing Resources
Publishing Resources
Workshopping/Writers' Groups

General Resources

40 of the Best Websites for Young Writers
A compilation of websites for writing communities, grammar help, creativity boosters, and publishing information.


Books Written by Children or Teenagers
A Wikipedia page about people who have successfully written novels as children or teens.

Photos of famous authors as teens

Creativity and Creative Work


"Handwriting is a 21st Century Skill" in The Atlantic

Ted Hughes reflects on typing versus writing by hand

Three Reasons you Should Write by Hand

Focusing Tools:

Freedom: Internet Blocking Software

Dr. Wicked's Write or Die

Coffitivity: Coffee shop sounds, for those who work best with background chatter.

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Editing Resources

These are just a few resources about editing — mostly for specific genres. Many other resources can be found online by searching for "revision" and "editing" and the genre you're working in.

Fiction Revision Checklist

11 Tips for Editing Your Own Writing

The Editor’s Blog — Checklist for Editors

Advice on Editing Poetry by Grace Wells

Poetry Editing: A Rubric

Editing Your Screenplay

How to Prepare Your Stage Play for the Theatre Market

The Playwright's Checklist (A Revision Tool)

General Editing Resources:

Writing on the Run! Exercises on Grammar and Usage
Available for purchase from Open School BC.

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University
Writing resources and instructional material to assist with writing projects in general.

Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude

Exercises on the Passive Voice

Revising Passive Constructions

Practice Changing Verbs from Passive to Active

Wordiness, Wordiness, Wordiness List
G. Kim Blank's guide for avoiding wordiness.
Online thesaurus resource.

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Publishing Resources

Claremont Review

Flash Fiction
An online magazine that publishes stories from 500 to 1000 words long.

Making a digital magazine by Joomag
Offers an online editor to create your own digital publication.

Wikipedia: Online magazine
All about e-zines.

We Make Zines
An online community for zine makers and readers.

Zine Making


Making a blog or website into a pdf or ebook with Zinepal

A few comprehensive sites that list publishers accepting work.

The Canadian Writers' Market
The CWM lists who publishes what, and is updated frequently.

Canadian Literary Magazines
A comprehensive list maintained by the University of Alberta.

Wikipedia Literary Magazines List
A list of literary magazines that have been publishing for ten years or more.

Book Production:

Lauren Oliver and Harper Collins' YouTube series How a Book is Made

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Writers in Electronic Residence

Workshopping/Writers' Groups

Start Your Own Writers' Group

Starting and running a year-round writing group

One writer's "10 Rules for Starting a Writing Club"


CBC Literary Prizes
Poetry, short story and creative nonfiction contests held annually.

Canadian Authors Association Branch Writing Contests

The Writers' Union of Canada Short Prose Competition

Pearl Luke's Creative Writing Contests
A comprehensive contests list for Fiction.

TD Canadian Children's Book Week 2015 Writing Contest

Youth Contests:

The Claremont Review Contest
A poetry and fiction contest for writers aged 12 to 19.

Jessamy Stursburg Poetry Contest for Canadian Youth
Hosted by the League of Canadian Poets, a contest for poets in Grades Seven through Twelve.

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This video introduces Writing 12 and the authors featured in the Writing 12 videos.

Writers talk about their revision process.

Lau, Rader and Schroeder share the number of drafts their work goes through, and what this says about revision.

On reading as a critical part of writing and source of ideas.

Lau on overcoming obstacles to writing.

Lau and Rader sharing the need for space for reflection and creating the headspace necessary for writing.

Lau and Schroeder on writing in multiple genres and how writing finds its appropriate length/genre.

On the personal essay form — the final assignment in the Creative Nonfiction Module "Go Deeper" section.

On the most important element in creative nonfiction.

Writers and their origins: what makes them unique?

Two approaches to structuring a story.

On writing good dialogue.

Rader on how form creates meaning in poetry — forms are not prescriptions, but meaningful containers.

A reading by Matt Rader.

A reading by Matt Rader.

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