Module 4: Hearing

Hearing Loss at School: The Social Impact

Social situations are especially challenging for students with hearing loss because the typical social niceties can be hard to recognize or imitate. No one wants to feel different, and wearing a hearing aid means being open about their differences. This may lead students to express their fears with aggression or by withdrawing. Sometimes, it is easier to form friendships with younger-aged peers who place fewer communication demands on the student.

Hearing Loss in the Classroom: The Impact on Learning

Classrooms place different demands on students who have hearing loss. Some students may appear hesitant to speak choosing not to ask questions when they need help with understanding. Students will pretend to understand something and will watch other students to pick up cues, so they can follow instructions. Students may also experience lowered self-esteem and may show mental health concerns.

Background noise and a student’s location in the classroom impacts their learning. Students can find it hard to hear instructions, and they may miss or misinterpret oral information. When they are in a small group or classroom discussion, students may have difficulty locating the speaker or might need a prompt, so they don’t miss their turn to respond.