Module 4: Hearing


In this module we have reviewed:

  • How sounds travel along the hearing pathway
  • The anatomy of the outer, middle, and inner ear making up the hearing pathway, and where breakdown in hearing can occur
  • Conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss
  • How hearing loss can impact students’ learning in the classroom

In later courses, we will review how hearing strategies are layered with other approaches to maximize learning.

Key Terms

Auditory Sense
The ability to hear.
Conductive Hearing Loss
When sound waves cannot travel easily through the outer or middle ear.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
When there is a problem in the inner ear or with the nerve pathway that carries sound to the brain.

References and Resources

ASHA. (n.d.). Students who are deaf or hard of hearing in the school setting: Asha Practice Policy documents. Retrieved from

Harris, J. (2021). Hearing loss types. Retrieved from

Wikimedia Commons contributors. (2021). File: Anatomy of the Human Ear. Retrieved from