Module 2: Teaching in the Context of Meaningful Routines and Using the Inclusion Planning Matrix

Inclusion Planning Matrix

The four-step planning matrix is a simple and effective process to create meaningful skill building for students with complex needs. The matrix weaves IEP objectives into the context of daily routines while improving quality of life:

  1. Identify meaningful daily or weekly routines and list them on the left-hand side of the matrix going down. Routines are listed in chronological order where possible. There will be some routines that are shared with classroom peers, such as literacy, gym, music class, and recess. There will be routines that could be unique to the student, such as washroom breaks.
  2. Step 2: Identify the IEP objectives or skills that are to be addressed in the matrix. The objectives are listed across the top of the matrix.
  3. Select specific tasks that the student with complex needs could be assisted to perform within a specific routine that meet part or all of an IEP objective. The selected task is written in the matrix cell where the targeted IEP skill intersects with a routine.
  4. Identify the Quality of Life Indicator that is being addressed by the specific task and write it in the row below the intersecting matrix cell.

The planning matrix can identify gaps in the IEP objectives, where routines could be expanded to include more skills. It can also be used for data collection to measure progress a student is making toward the IEP goals.

General Guidelines for Using the Matrix
  • Start simple. It is much easier to add depth to any of the specific tasks once practiced. Sometimes, it is best to target one level (beginning, middle, or end) of a routine before including all levels
  • Not all routines will have a matching IEP objective. Again, simplicity is best practice
  • The tasks selected could relate to more than one Quality of Life Indicator. In the case of overlap, select the most prominent indicator
  • Ensure the five Quality of Life Indicators are proportionally represented in the matrix

Planning Matrix