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  Lesson 6: The Persian Wars
  Lesson 7: The Peloponnesian War
  Lesson 8: The Olympic Games
  Lesson 9: Alexander the Great
  Lesson 10: The Legacy of Ancient Greece

Lesson 8: The Olympic Games

Send In Activity 8:
Option A: Write a Letter to the Editor

You have just come from the day's events at the Olympic Games where you witnessed deceit and trickery first hand. You are disgusted by it! The behaviour of the athletes is unacceptable and, in your opinion, is an insult to the god Zeus.

Write a letter to the editor of the Greek Daily Blab, telling how cheating is spoiling the Olympic Games. Explain what you saw, how you feel about it, and what you propose should be done to eliminate it. Write about one of these events only: (10 marks)

  • Chariot racing
  • Horseracing
  • Javelin
  • Long jump
  • Wrestling
  • Discus
  • Running

Marking Guide

Your letter to the editor:

  • Follows the correct format:
    a. Greeting
    b. Closing
  • Contains accurate details about the sport you have chosen (rules, equipment, etc.)

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