
Deliver your courses through Open School BC's LearnSpace. Our three-part solution includes a robust learning management system, customizable access and integration options, and dedicated technical support.


Your own private Moodle Workplace tenant for managing users, courses, training programs and certifications. Automated Enrolment is optional.


Sell access to your courses and optionally collect royalties to help support future development and updates. A fully automated solution.

Moodle Workplace

A Learning Management System with built-in tools for managing courses and learners in work environments.

Direct Contract

You can contract directly with Open School BC and skip the procurement process.

FOIPPA / PIA Compliant

Our system is compliant with FOIPPA regulations and has an approved PIA.

BC Gov IDIR Authentication

LearnSpace is accessible to the public and BC Government users.

Managed Server

Our dedicated technical team take on the back-end server administration work.

Tenant Admin Access

You get admin access to your tenant. Manage it like you own it!

Private Tenant

Your organisation's data and users are all contained in your own private area.


We add your organisation's logo to your tenant login screen and page header. You can add more branding as desired.

Organisation Management

Automatic user reporting lines and access to specific reports based on company structure and hierarchies.

Custom Report Builder

Build reports the way you want them to look using the easy-to-use report builder.

Programs / Learning Paths

Establish training paths by grouping courses into programs for your users.

Certification Management

Full certification and recertification management and reminders to learners.


Helps trainers to set up face‑to‑face or online appointments with learners.

Automated Enrolment

We create a link for your training. Learners use the link to register and enrol themselves. A fully automated process.

$5 per registration

Shopping Cart

Paywall access to your training in our online shopping cart. We will list your course on our shopping cart and automate all of the payment processing.


Generate revenue selling access to your training in our shopping cart.

One‑time Setup Fee

A one-time $1,000 fee to setup your tenancy, branding, and billing.

Additional Fees

Some options have additional setup fees.

$250 setup fee per Automated Enrolment link $500 setup fee per E‑commerce offering

Active User Billing

Per logged-in user for each contract year.

Client pays
$15 per active user per year
Learner pays
$25 minimum price per course seat


We include 10 GB of storage with every package. This includes space used in Moodle Workplace and any other service we are providing.

$4 per GB above 10 GB $4 per GB above 10 GB

Support Desk

Our support desk is available Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (exc. stat holidays).

Client Admin Support Client Admin and Learner Support

Level 1 Support

40 tickets or 10 hours of support. $35 per additional support ticket or purchase a Level 2 or 3 support package.

Level 2 Added Support

Additional 120 tickets or 30 hours of support. Ideal if you need extra training and more support.

$3,000 $3,000

Level 3 Added Support

Additional 140 tickets or 55 hours of support. When you need extra training, more support, and help with setting up your tenant.

$5,500 $5,500

Pricing Examples

Year 1:

  • 300 users per year
  • 5 GB storage used
  • Total cost: $5,500

Year 2:

  • 300 users per year
  • 5 GB storage used
  • Total cost: $4,500


  • Automated Enrolment
  • Level 2 Support

Year 1:

  • 900 users
  • 300 users with automated enrolment
  • 8 GB storage used
  • Total cost: $19,250

Year 2:

  • 900 users
  • 300 users with automated enrolment
  • 8 GB storage used
  • Total cost: $18,000

Shopping Cart:

  • 3 courses
  • $35 per course seat

Year 1:

  • 21 GB storage
  • 400 users
  • Total fees: $1,794
  • Total royalties: $4,000

Year 2:

  • 21 GB storage
  • 1,500 users
  • Total fees: $44
  • Total royalties: $15,000

How can we help?

Let us know about your hosting needs. We're happy to chat about what solution will work best for you.

Let's get started