Hosting and Delivery Services

Chat with our friendly team to see how to best get courses to learners.

Simple to complex solutions

We’ve got your course delivery needs covered, whether a basic website or a secure, tracked program with certification (or something in between)!


Deliver your courses through LearnSpace, a FOIPPA-compliant, solution that offers user-friendly learning experiences for your audience and business-savvy features for your organization. We're part of the Ministry of Education and Child Care in the BC Government.

LearnSpace includes:

  • A robust learning management system where you can:

    • Customize your private area (tenant) with branding
    • Manage courses and learners
    • Utilize custom authentication, including IDIR
    • Generate reports on courses and learners
    • Create unique enrolment methods and reporting relationships
  • Custom access and integration options:

    • Automated enrolment
    • E-commerce
    • Something else? Let's discuss your needs, we develop custom solutions!
  • Dedicated technical support team who:

    • Are available Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm to help troubleshoot issues
    • Monitor system status 24/7
    • Collaborate with clients to tailor services
    • Complete regular system maintenance, testing, and upgrades
LearnSpace OpenSchoolBC integrating a learning management system, access and integration options with technical support

Want to know more?

Read the details on LearnSpace components and pricing.

Check out some features of LearnSpace's learning management system, Moodle Workplace.

Website Hosting

Host your stand-alone training website on our web servers. The website is open to everyone, with no registration or access restrictions and complies with FOIPPA regulations. An annual fee covers hosting and access to our technical support team.

How can we help?

Let us know about your hosting needs. We're happy to chat about what solution will work best for you.

Let's get started