Lesson 2: Citizenship
Under Attack
Send In Activity 2
Packing Your Belongings
Pretend you are a Japanese-Canadian
child in 1941. You and your family have been designated “enemy
aliens.” Already, your father has been taken away, but you don’t
know where. Your school has been closed, your mail is censored, and
you are not allowed to visit freely with other families. Now, you
have been told that you must leave your home in twenty-four hours.
You are allowed to bring ten belongings but you must be able to carry
them in one suitcase. You don’t know where you are going or
how long you will be away, so you need to choose carefully.
Write a paragraph describing the choices you made and why you made
them. In addition, discuss how you feel about the things that had
to be left behind. What will you miss most? What are your feelings
about your future? (10 marks)
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