Lesson 4: Practicing Active Citizenship
days it's hard to turn on the television, read a magazine, or listen
to the radio without hearing stories about war, crime, poverty, and
other serious problems.
Fortunately, not all the news is bad news. In those same newspapers
and on those same broadcasts we learn about people who are striving
to make the world a better place. These people campaign for equal
rights for minorities; they seek better living conditions for the
poor and the homeless; they protest the exploitation of child workers
in factoriesthe list goes on.
In this lesson, you will meet some of these heroes. These people
are making a positive difference in their world and are an inspiration
to othershopefully including you!
Craig Kielburger
Jason Crowe
Nickole Evans
Dr. Jonathan Brock
Eileen Skinnider
Send In Activity 4
Write a short report on an everyday