MarketSafe Online

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About this course:

This program provides training on food safety and safe food handling procedures for market vendors, managers, farmers, food processors, and others who may make, bake or produce food products for temporary markets (e.g. farmers’ markets, artisan markets).

Learners will cover topics like proper food storage and display, key elements of sanitation and food cleanliness, and explore food-borne illnesses (and how to avoid them in your products). This course is not a replacement for FOODSAFE Level 1.

Anyone who completes the course and exam will receive a certificate issued by the health authority for their location.

If you are interested in becoming a MarketSafe face-to-face instructor in the future: You may self-identify as a potential instructor when you register for the course. You must score 90% or higher on the final exam to be considered as an instructor.

Note: Getting 90% or higher on the exam is not the only requirement for becoming an instructor – local health authorities have other requirements which must be met.

Learners have 10 days to complete this six-hour course


  • General: $55.00
  • Prospective instructors: $66.00

Which course would you like to take?

This information is collected by Open School BC under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (BC) and will be used to provide you with a user account. Should you have questions regarding the collection of this personal information, please email us at .

The BC Ministry of Health is collecting your personal information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of tracking FOODSAFE and MarketSafe course participation. If you have any questions with regards to the collection of your personal information please contact .
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Please take note of the steps required to complete the MarketSafe Online course:

  1. Purchase one or more seats.
  2. Access information to our Account Manager will be emailed to you.
    Please Note: This email could take several hours before you receive it. If you do not receive this email, it is most likely in your email application's junk folder.
  3. Log into the Account Manager using the username/password that was emailed to you and use the Account Manager to:
    • Enter in personal information that is required to receive a MARKETSAFE certificate such as: birth date, gender, phone number, email, mailing address.
  4. Access to the course is granted immediately upon completing your personal information in the Account Manager.
  5. Complete the online course.
  6. Write the final exam before the course end date.
  7. A certificate will be mailed after course completion.

Now please continue through the MarketSafe registration process below...

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Our Refund Policy

  • Refunds must be requested prior to the course start date
  • A processing fee of $35.00 will be charged
  • The purchaser will receive a refund of:
    • $20.00 for MarketSafe Online
    • $31.00 for MarketSafe Online (for potential Instructors only)

To receive a refund, please forward your electronic receipt to our customer service department: with the subject heading “MARKETSAFE Online course refund.”

Refund requests will not be accepted after the course start date.

Schools purchasing seats using an Account Code are considered final sale. No returns are permitted.  

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Please answer the following in order to continue:

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Purchase Seats

Please select your location and enter the number of seats you would like to purchase.

All seats purchased will expire 365 days after the date of purchase.

Price per seat is $55.00 for MarketSafe Online.

Note: Be sure to enter your correct address. Entering any false information will void your MarketSafe certification.*

*If you enter false information, you will not receive a record of completion. You will not be MarketSafe certified, even if you complete the course activities and exam.

  1. Please note: The location you specify here will be sent to your
    local Health Authority upon completion of the course and
    cannot be changed after your purchase your seat.
  2. Enter the number of seats you would like to purchase:
  3. Click Continue below to purchase the seats.

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MarketSafe Frequently Asked Questions

Ordering info:

Course info:

Final Exam info:

Ordering info:

  • How much does a seat cost?
    Seats cost $55.00 for regular participants.

  • How do I purchase (register for) a course seat?
    On the registration page, select the number of seats you require (one seat per user).

  • Does my course (seat) expire?
    Yes, you have one year to use this course (seat) before it expires.

  • How can I pay for my seat(s)?
    Visa, Master Card or American Express is the preferred method of payment. This will ensure your seat is saved.

  • What if I have a Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo account?
    These large web-based email providers have spam filters enabled, which may redirect emails from Open School BC (with important access information) into the junk folder. Please ensure you check your junk mail folder if you have not received the expected emails in your inbox after you paid for the MarketSafe course.

  • How do I log into my account?
    An auto-generated email will be sent within several hours of purchasing your course seat. Follow the web link ( and fill in the username and password fields as assigned to you in the email we sent you.

  • What is the Account Manager?
    The Account Manager is a website you log into to enter and update personal information.

    In the Account Manager, select each tab and fill in the required fields;
    1. “My Information” tab - address, telephone number, email, name etc.
    2. “My Course” tab - click on this tab to find the date your course begins and how to access the link to Moodle (, where you'll find the MarketSafe course content.
    3. “Seat Assignment” tab - only if you purchased multiple seats will you see a "Seat Assignment" tab where you can assign users to each of your seats.

Course info:

  • Is this online course offered in other languages?
    The MarketSafe online course is offered in English only. Students taking this online course need to have a proficient command of the English language. We suggest that you consider taking MarketSafe in person if you are not proficient in English.

  • Are you comfortable using online technologies?
    Online learning is not for everyone, this course is completed online and is self-paced so be sure you are comfortable using a computer, the internet, email, discussions, etc. You will need to have regular access to a computer with a reliable high-speed (1 Mbps or better) Internet connection. If you don't have regular access, make sure you have easy access to a computer in order to complete the course within the 20 days allowed.

    Note that customer service is available to assist only during regular business hours (8:30am - 4:30pm), Monday - Friday except on Statutory holidays, Pacific Time Zone.

  • Do I need a computer to do MarketSafe online?
    YES! You must have a personal computer and a high-speed (1 Mbps or better) Internet connection to take MarketSafe online. If not, you need to take MarketSafe course in a classroom.

  • How do I log into my course?
    Once you have purchased a seat, you will receive an email confirming the purchase and a second email with information on how to log into the Account Manager and Moodle (where the course takes place). The information provided in this email is a username, password and a link to the Account Manager (

  • How do I know if my computer will work for this course?
    Before you purchase the course, you should check Moodle's Browser support for the list of supported browsers and operating systems. Find your operating system and browser to confirm that your system will be compatible to take the course.

  • How long do I have to complete the course?
    You will have access to the course immediately after completing the registration process. Users have 10 days to complete the on-line course and to do the final on-line exam. The 10 days include weekends.

  • Can I just write the final exam?
    No, this course requires you to complete every module in sequence beginning with Module 1 before moving on to the next module.

  • What happens if I try to just write the final exam?
    You will get an error message, you will not be able to open the final exam or complete the course and get credit for it.

  • What mark must I achieve on each of the quizzes and the final exam to pass the MarketSafe course?
    Some of the "Test Your Understanding" activities found in the course are in a quiz format. The activities are there for you to practice, and to help you review for the final exam.

    The quizzes are self-correcting; your score will appear at the end of the quiz once you've navigated through every quiz page. Scores for the quizzes are not recorded, and will not affect your final mark for the course.

    On the final exam, you must achieve a minimum mark of 70% in order to pass the MarketSafe course.

  • Course Extensions and Timelines
    If you feel you are going to need an extension in order to complete the course you must reach out to our customer support at before the course end date and explain your reasons for needing an extension. Extensions are rarely awarded, and given only for extenuating circumstances, such as death in the family or hospitalization.

  • I want to take the MarketSafe course face-to-face instead of online
    Go to to locate a face-to-face course in your area.

Final Exam info:

  • How do I get access to the final exam?
    Once you have completed each module, including the quizzes, you will have access to the final exam module.

  • How many questions are on the final exam?
    There are 42 questions on the MarketSafe final exam.

  • What mark must I achieve in the Final Exam to pass the MarketSafe course?
    • If you score 70% or higher on the first exam attempt, you pass the course.
    • If you score 49% or less on the first exam attempt, you fail the course and are not allowed a second exam attempt.
    • If you score between 50% and 69% on the first exam attempt, you have not passed the course but are allowed a second exam attempt.
    • If you score 69% or less on the second exam attempt, you fail the course.

  • How long will it take to complete the final exam?
    The exam will automatically end after 1 hour.

  • Are there additional resources to help prepare for the final exam?
    When you register for MarketSafe online, a digital copy of the MarketSafe Student Workbook will be freely available as a PDF download within your Moodle course. This resource contains all of the information available in the online course, and can be kept as a reference manual. The Workbook is not required to complete the course.

    A print version of the workbook can be purchased separately in English. To order a copy, go to, under Quick Links click on FOODSAFE and then student.

  • How do I get my MarketSafe certificate and how long will take to receive it?
    Once you have completed and passed the final exam your regional Health Authority will mail a MarketSafe certificate to you. It takes between four to six weeks. Please ensure the mailing address you entered in the Account Manager is correct as this information is used to send your certificate.